Parking in-SPECTER

I am without a motor vehicle tonight.

This has caused some panic in my insides, as my insides enjoy driving around and doing meaningless activities when they all decide it's the proper time.

It is the proper time, and so my vital signs read danger and distress.

I'm having a bit of deja vu actually.

You see along time ago in the dark ages of this neighborhood that I live in, it was filled with turmoil and hostility. Murder,Rape, and pillage were very critical concerns, but parking....ahhh now parking was where the real battle was. One did not take an encroachment on their territory very lightly. One day I made the mistake of using a spot that was not mine, and woke up to my obtuse surprise, that my car had vanished. I searched far and wide within a twenty foot radius, until it dawned on me that I had indeed been towed for a violation of our communities parking rules.

I went threw what more or less could be considered a shitty day, but I will not use the word shitty in the description of that day, because kids read this journal, and kids are not supposed to be reading about shitty days, because the world is un-shitty, and anything shitty is to remain oblivious to their shitty ignorant little selves.

At the end of my shit ass day I finally got my car back, I had to petition to the high wizard who lived three doors down, to figure out how to do it. He guided me threw the three task of true truism, which was rough, but which I mustered enough strength to accomplish.

That night I succumbed to my avenging fever, and I went to my kitchen and grabbed my dagger of wrath with +3 to stealth, better known as a dinner knife. I went to the spot that I had been towed from, and dug my dagger deep within the three tires sitting underneath the camry which conveniently sat safe and sound in space to which my jeep once occupied.

I cut them deep, and I cut them well.

They would never be able to hold their precious air again.

Those were darker times...

These days we are more peaceful community, of course we still have our problems and our bitches running a "muk". But overall we get along, and we even have a chat out on the street here and there. Our murder rates were down even.

It seemed people didn't have time to squabble over a silly parking spot when their were plenty to go around.

Until tonight...

Someone thought it would be cute to call the tow company because my car was parked in an un-designated spot.

I am filled with a rage to which I could only express as being very very rage like.

Retaliation... of course, the answer is revenge. I will bring down terror on my tormentor.

Except he is a phantom.

The spot I got towed from is an un-used spot. Confirmed by the landlord, but yet unable to do anything since it was not my spot.

I would again petition to the high wizard for his wisdom and consolation on what to do in this grave situation. But he moved out long ago before when our times were clouded.

I think he moved to Scottsdale.

I am left to wallow in misery.

I am left to my entrails burning.

I am left to hear my roommate talk about mass effect and his uber character constantly.

But know this...

I will find out who you are and why you did this.

I will rain down a fury upon you like no other neighbor you have encountered before.

I will make the rubber of your treasured tires never roll the same again.

And I might even buy some ham and throw it on your car.

Because I will not be fucked with in this manner.

I am a kind and gentle human being, whom which must sit here in his house and watch movies without nourishment. I desperately want some Doritos and Gaterade, but you have rendered that an un-possibility. I hope you feel cozy and warm inside good sir, or good women, or good whatever the fuck you are.

I lie asleep for now, but not for long.
Soon you will see what I see, and Feel what I feel.
But don't worry, you'll know when I'm awake.


Honestly I'm not an angry person at all and that was me being silly. Sorry to scare anyone. It's all true though, except the high wizard. But I do have a dagger of +3 stealth.


I've almost been on DA for one year. I will be doing a journal entry dealing with all that I have learned in photography and on DA. Dealing with how to get noticed or any other little tricks that I have picked up. This stuff won't be the same old advice, I have some generally interesting and useful information for you that you probably wouldn't get anywhere else. So if you have some questions before hand you would like to ask and have answered in the journal entry, then shoot it at me, and maybe I will end up answering it in the journal.

Ok you all have a good week!



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