A Visit With Ghost-Part 4 of 4.

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Atlanta at 2am. The plane that was supposed to take me out of West Palm Beach was delayed three hours because a flight attendant broke her back or some crazy story like that.

They wouldn't allow the plane to fly with one less attendant.

Fuck if I care that it takes five extra minutes to get my soda and pretzels.

Let's gooooooooooooo bitches.

I need to be on time, Always on time!

Unfortunately people don't do what you want when you call them bitches.

This isn't really the point though.

I could of easily called my mom back and told her I was going to miss my connecting flight, and to come pick me up because I'd rather stay in Florida one more night then get stuck in an airport.

I didn't call...

I chose to get stuck in an airport.

Maybe I have an addiction to getting myself into odd situations.

Maybe I like to experience weird and crazy shit just so I can write about it.

Maybe I just needed to get the fuck out of Florida.

Either way! I'm in a hotel room in Atlanta at 2am.

The first order of business is to strip down to just my underwear.

The second order of business is to destroy the complimentary food basket I was given by the airline for partially screwing up my life.

The third order of business is to make coffee. I don't drink coffee regularly, but this is business and I must use every resource available to me.

Shortly after I will have confirmed after twenty two years that caffeine does nothing for me, as I will proceed to pass out despite the two sugar loaded regular cups of coffee twirling in my stomach.

I wake up on time, Always on time!

I was also given a bag of makeshift toiletries by the airline to make my stay that much better. It included a deodorant in the form of a chap stick bottle. As I go to apply it, the stick breaks off and lands in a pile of sugar left over from my mini-Starbucks endeavor.

I decide to pick it up and apply it anyways.

Now my arm pits smell and taste good.

Am I on to something?

Should I patent this?

What is Starbucks number?

I get to the airport on time, Always on time!

And miss my plane by about three minutes.

Now I must stay in Atlanta airport for another eight hours until the next flight...

Should I be angry? I guess. Nothing really makes me angry anymore. Maybe if I had something to do instead of basically nothing seven days a week, I would be angry.

This is my life though, and not yours.

And I am not angry.

I will use this time to write as much as I can, including finishing up this journal entry that you are reading now.

Did any of you know that no where, and I mean NO WHERE, can you find regular or blank paper in an airport?

I am totally fucked!

I have to write this entire four part journal on a Newspaper and hotel slips.

I even took a picture as proof! you can see it by clicking here!

I couldn't find a good spot to write at in Terminal C, so I decided to go on an adventure threw the entire airport looking for one.

When I made it to Terminal E, I was stunned at how different it was.

The best way I can describe it was that Terminal C is the Atlanta of Atlanta airport, and Terminal E was the Beverly Hills of Atlanta airport.

The black population dropped by like 80% in Terminal E.

Am I a racist?

Or just observant?

Or an Observant racist?

I decided to declare Terminal E as my home for the next eight hours, and so I found a nice comfortable couch and got started on my writing.

It's going pretty well so far.

At least I think it is.

I mean you're reading it right now and could probably tell me if it is or not.

I have minor distractions.

There is a dutch family to my left from which the only word I understand is Smoothie.

They are way to excited about smoothies.

They are way to excited about life.

And to my right is a Japanese kid taking pictures of his meal.

What the fuck is he going to do with that?


If you are ever traveling and find yourself stuck in an airport, it's not so bad

Do yourself a favor and take the time to relax.

Do yourself a favor and write some thoughts down to help you understand them.

Do yourself a favor and go to Terminal E.


Thanks for all the support and reading my journal! Hope you enjoyed all four parts.

My Prada shoes got delayed until Thursday! So sorry I don't have a picture, but I will soon.

If you would like to see my tattoo, click Here for a picture!



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