Hypocrisy Week.

My roommate challenged me to try and be a vegetarian for a week. This task would most likely not be terribly difficult if I was able to eat whatever I wanted(not including animals), but the challenge was to be a healthy vegetarian. So it was terribly difficult, because I am an American, and I enjoy blood.

This is an account of how it went.

Day 1- The sky is falling, the walls are mocking me, life is meaningless. I am trying not to engage in a conversation about food, because it will end with lettuce. The days are dreary, the sleep is short, I am an emotional wreck.

Day 2- (Refer To day 1)

Day 3- (Refer To day 2)

Day 4- (Refer To day 3)

Day 5- (Refer To day 4)

Day 6- (Refer To day 5)

Day 7- (Refer To day 6)

All in all as you can see it went pretty smooth. I think I got threw the week mostly because I had other shit to worry about.

Like having one foot that doesn't work due to playing Rockband drums to intensely.

Btw ladies, I play on expert, and have a 675 note streak on say it ain't so. Send me a note if you are interested.

I'm really not sure how or what got injured, all I know is that about 85% of the surface area of my right foot feels like someone is constantly pulling the skin off. It's a wonderful experience, and I am not religious, but I thank Jesus every night for allowing me to feel this way.

Although I am unable to walk, it's not my main course of misery.

I have also decided to flip out. And when I flip out, I pretty much flip out.

I moved to Arizona to play music, and I am not currently playing music.

This has caused in me a wave of panic and depression.

I am losing sleep because my stomach is empty.

I am losing sleep because my foot is on fire.

But I am losing massive amounts of sleep, because the creative idiot that is myself, has decided that it is not going to rest until this problem is fixed.

I think people used to think I was an insomniac because of how little sleep I got, and maybe I believed I was one also.

But now I know that I am different, because I don't want to sleep, I want to create shit, I want to be tired, I want to be consumed. And the time when all is quite and the world is asleep, is the time where my mind is a fully functional machine that of which most could not begin to understand.

They always asked me why I slept at the times I did, and whether I enjoyed missing my whole day. To which I replied by asking if they enjoyed missing their whole night.

I guess you could consider me a vampire from time to time.

Vampires can't really be vegetarians though...

Maybe that is why my body is deteriorating, and my world is collapsing. I probably just need to eat a fucking cow. Or bite some hot chick on the neck like they do in the movies. Or bite a hot chick with A1 sauce poured on her to become super revived.

I shall work on that.

I got threw the week though, and now I have been issued a new challenge to extend vegetarianism to one month. Which I have accepted. It will be rough, but I believe I can get threw it.

For now though I am going to figure out how to solve my depressive state.

I always tell people that if they wait until tomorrow to do what they want to do, then they are already failing. I don't want to say that I lost sight of my goal, but I was not putting my full ability into it like I should of. I am not happy with just being a good photographer. There are other things I would like to be involved in and accomplish. And I will work at them tirelessly and footlessly and meatlessly until I feel like I am heading in the correct direction.

If you think tomorrow is so close, and tomorrow you will be more then you were today. You are wrong.

You have to work at it everyday and want it more then anything.


BTW, if you are a vegetarian based on morals rather then nutrition, you are an extreme hypocrite, and this is not debatable.


Just another reminded that for being on DA for one year I will be doing a journal entry based on what I have learned on this site, and what information I think might help you along the way of achieving uber status or satisfaction. I have received quite some interesting questions which I will be answering.

So keep the questions coming, feel free to send me a note with whatever you are curious to know, and have answered in my Dec 30th Nub help journal.

MY STAMP WOOT! DO YOU LOVE ME ENOUGH TO BRAND ME ON YOUR PAGE!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??#?#@$?#@$?@#$?@!##$@


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