Death, Life, and Cocaine.

I woke up early because today was going to be a very long day of taking photos. Three that were planned, one that was two months in the making.
Things change.
My dog died.
My dog that I had for 19 years died.
He was old and it was sort of expected soon, but it is still just crazy to see something that has been by you everyday your whole life not move anymore. I knew my dog JR for longer then I knew my dad who died when I was 14.
So we took a stroll over to my roommates parents house and buried him in the backyard. I have been threw some hard shit in my life, so crying doesn't come very often for me, but one of the only constants that I had was gone, everything dies, everything ends, I cried.
Way to start a day.
I go threw tragedy like a fucking Semi hitting a Honda civic, quick and easy. So off I go to my destination, to take pictures at my friend Thason's house. Thason and Lisa, my models for the day. Have been out all night. Lisas sort of boyfriend committed his third DUI and was going to jail, so they had a going away party for him. Thason and Lisa are hammered, Thason and Lisa are on Somas, Thason and Lisa are not going to do photos today.
This is where most people curl up and die. But like I said, I'm Mike Tyson hitting your grandma in the face.
I won't go to much into detail on what actually went down, but I proceeded to pull photo ideas completely out of my ass. Once I am done editing them in a couple days, it will probably solidify my status as a genius in conceptual photography. That's right, I'm a self pro-claimed genius. And if you ever see me in real life, and dispute this, I will get someone much larger then me to punch you directly in the face in defense of my honor. Despite the fact that I'm extremely humble about my talents when confronted about it.
But seriously. I pulled off some good shit, stay tuned for those in a couple days.
That took about four hours.
Break time.
I am now eating at the dining room table in Thason house. Which is also Lisa houses House. Where Erin House also Resides. Along with two other people.
This is what is on the table in front of me.
-A sourdough jack burger.
-Approximately 1600 Soma pills
-Exactly $1600 in Cocaine, good stuff to from what the 5 drug dealers around me say
-Somewhere between 7 to 10 pounds of assorted types of weed.
-A brain exercise book (Erin likes to keep an active Brain)
-About 300 of X-bars and Blue vicodin each.
-Many other things you typically see on a dining room table.
All of this on the table, and ironically the movie "Blow" on the TV. Johnny Depp is sexy, and I'm not gay.
I decided to be the driver on a Deal, because why the fuck not? I carry a gun so I'm safe, except I really don't carry a gun, so I'm really fucked in the ass if anything sticky goes down. I go anyways, despite how the movie "Blow" pans out in front of me, and despite me not packing a piece.
It goes smooth. I deal Cocaine like a pro.
Back to the house of the Houses.
Back to taking photos.
I have an interview with two magazines this week, they both want more straight forward photos from me then my crazy artistic shit. So I made Erin dress up for me so I could take pictures of her sexiness. She provided what was expected. I never do these kinds of photos shoots, so it was fun/retarded/sexy/and hard all at the same time.
They came out amazing, I am money.
Fun Fun Fun.
Now I am typing this out to you, because I am home, and I am safe, and I have photos for your viewing pleasure, and that makes you happy.
Good Night.