A Day at the Wal-Part 2

--Hour 7--

A bunch of people told me that it was likely I was going to get kicked out, and even my best friend said he didn't think I would make it past 9pm.

The reality is, that none of the employees seem to recognize me or care to give me trouble.

It's plausible that I'm not much to recognize I guess, but I think it's more likely that I move with stealth like ninja like ghost like speed.

There was one person the really pissed that shit out of me though, because obviously I'm trying desperately to shy away from starring directly at a clock constantly, and he became a big problem in this endeavor.

This is him.

As you can see, he is playing on the Playstation 3.

The Playstation 3 was also apart of my elite plan to not think about anything, brain dead if you will. I thought it was going to work swell.

Until this little mini-terrorist fuck decided to take it up FOREVER.

I thought his mom dropped him off here for the day in a some sort of money/emotional saving scheme.

Don't quote me, please don't fucking quote me, but I'm going to estimate he was playing Tekken 5 for about two hours.

There two things wrong with this scenArio.

One- Tekken is gay

Two- It's a demo and you can only be one guy for one fight.

Honestly, I don't mind being a voyeur, I can watch people play a video game or play sports or have sex without having a go myself, in the name of time waisting.

But what I cannot do, is tolerate abandoned little boys who have no conscious that there is a twenty-two year old rednecky looking man who is marooned behind him, whom is about to pop and lock his ass out of the way, like Eddy.

--Hour 8--

I did manage to apply myself for one hour, and do something that might actually be interesting to other people. (Normal people I mean, since supposedly people on Deviantart enjoy the way I write, which is odd.)

I sat by the front entrance and marked down whether more “White Trash” Or “Blue Collar” people walked into this place.

You might think the answer would be obvious, and that might be in conjunction with the fact that every time you walk into a Wal-Mart, it's all to easy to spot someone who makes your life seem like peaches.

But I shit you not when I say more “Blue Collar” people walked in.

Is the reputation that Wal-Mart has for being the center of filthy crummy goods for filthy crummy people false?

Is Wal-Mart in reality the hip place to shop?

Is my study group completely and utterly one-sided because I live in a nice town?

Is my study group completely and utterly one-sided because it's the only superstore for ten miles?

Is my study group completely and utterly one-sided because I'm an idiot?

The answer to all these questions is...


And that might confuse you.

That might leave you saying “Hey that makes no sense!”

But you know what makes even more no sense.

Reading and enjoying a journal about a guy who spent the day in Wal-Mart.

Go get normal...

--Hour 9--

Employee- “Sir, can I ask you what you are doing?”

M- “I'm resting my eyes.”

Employee- “I'm going to have to ask you to leave.”

M- “I disagree.”

Employee- “You can't sleep here sir, it's against the rules.”

M- “I'm waiting for my wife, can I wait for my wife? Is that against the rules?”

Employee- “You don't have a ring on sir.”

M- “What the fuck do you think I'm doing in Wal-Mart?”

Employee- “I don't understand what your trying to say.”

M- “I don't understand why you're hassling me.”

Employee- “I'm not hassling you sir, I just can't have you hibernating while other people are shopping.”

M- “I'm certainly not hibernating, and even if I was, I wouldn't be bothering anyone.”

Employee- “Can you please just go find your wife and stay by her sir.?

M- “I don't have a wife, I'm trying to stay here for 24 hours.”

Employee- “Why would you want to do that.”

M- “I don't know.”

Employee- “We'll you can't sleep, you have to buy something.”

M- “I don't have to buy anything, I'm done anyways, where is the restroom.”

Employee- “Ummm it's in the middle by the front.”

M- “Ok, thanks a lot. Bye.”

--Hour 10--

I found bathroom in the back. It was the Family/Handicap bathroom. One of the single room ones, that has it's one lock and such.

I went inside and locked the door with no intentions of leaving anytime soon.

This would be home base for the time being. A place where I was alone and maybe had the chance to sleep.

I settled against the wall, I closed my eyes...

Knock Knock.

I dozed off, how much time went by? Is it like morning yet?

Knock Knock.

Someone wants to get in? Should I leave? Should I flush the toilet first so they think I was actually using it?

If I ignore it will they just leave?

I'm just going to ignore it....

Knock Knock.

Holy shit I hear keys, they went and got someone who works here to open it.

Knock Knock

Who's there?

--The only person in a fucking wheel chair in human history who has to urinate in a retail store at 1am.

At least I got out before they opened it and found me sleeping.

I dozed off for twenty minutes.

It wasn't morning.

It wasn't even close.

--Hour 11--

I'm sitting on a bench with a Dean Koontz book I picked up and started reading. I am half way threw the book before I realize I've done nothing for virtually the last couple hours but read this book.

No new material to tell you about, nothing that I could conjure into a story of wit and grace to please your souls.

It was just nothing...

That isn't why I came here. I'm not winning anything special if I make the full twenty four hours. I came here because I thought it would be fun to write about.

But it's not anymore, after almost twelve hours I have lost any enthusiasm for even trying to think of something to say.

I'm only hoping and wishing this book will get me threw the night.

Things have become boring, so boring I have nothing to say anymore, which is unusual for me. I could care less about being here if it doesn't make me want to write anything funny

Time to switch it up.

I'm leaving.

But I'm not going home...I set out to have a experience to tell you all about, and I feel as if I haven't quite accomplished that.

Where will I be going at 2am? What could you do at this time to make things interesting for not only myself and the people reading.

I'm going to the Casino.


Part 3 soon.

Sorry I didn't make it! Forgive me though. I had to keep it interesting! (People like :devamericanhacker: couldn't deal with Wal-mart being so boring.

More in a couple days!


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