Absolutely nothing interesting happened to me this week.
There were no highlights.
There were no special moments.
Which I guess makes me a bit uninteresting.
But I'm going to attempt to provide you with a semi-entertaining journal anyways.
Because I know for some of you I am like a drug, and I wouldn't want to deprive you of your weekly fix now would I?
So I guess I'll use my special powers.
The ability to pull completely boring shit out of my ass, and make it sound interesting.
I'm going to be on the next season of Heros.
I'm kind of like superman. Except minus the big muscles, and the ability to fly, and the super strength, and the women finding me attractive.
Speaking of super, I had the pleasure of having the same exact conversation thirty seven times about the whole hypocrite thing.
By the way, I am still a hypocrite, fifteen days in and going strong.
Someone remind me to never say anything about a serious issue ever again. To many people want to discuss it and shit.
That's so 20,000 page views ago. I can't be bothered with it anymore.
Anyways, What happened to me that was interesting? Hmmmmmmmm...
I watched about 15 hours straight of Lost one day. That show just never likes to give you a straight forward story do they. One thing that I am pleased about with season three though, is that Mr. Echo dies. Nothing makes me happier then seeing a religious character in a story be offed.
Even though I am firmly against shows or stories that just have asinine plots, I am a sheep to corporate television, and will continue to follow the show religiously.
And if someone wanted to off me in the story of my life based on my spiritual connection with my TV, I guess I would be OK with that, due to the previous statement I made above. Just let me know when you are going to do it, so I can not die a vegetarian.
I Also had a doctors appointment this week.
My new doctor is Chinese, which for some odd reason makes me feel like he is more of a real doctor then a normal doctor. He said my blood pressure was amazing, and he also checked my bits and pieces, which is sadly the closest thing I've had to action in quite some time.
He would probably also diagnose me with being very demented for even writing the joke in the above line.
So let us move on shall we?
Right after I left the doctors office, I went to Chipotle, and to my surprise they had raised their burritos by 50 cents. This should of probably made me angry, but when they charged my credit card it came out to $6.00 even.
This made me uncontrollably happy.
I was probably an accountant in a past life.
Or the Devil.
Or an accountant for the Devil.
Would he even need money?
Does Satan have good credit?
I have good credit.
Does this make me ineligible?
I'm trying to write this journal in less then twenty minutes.
So sorry if the thoughts are random and such, I'm not going to check if it's even coherent.
The other day I was to busy to walk twenty feet to my own bathroom so I used my roommates bathroom. He had an empty bottle of Listerine, I had never seen an empty bottle in my life, so I thought they had a come out with a new clear Listerine. I even picked it up thinking it was full. This may not seem significant, but the only reason he is using it is because he has a girlfriend living with him now.
The lesson is that women change you, and you should avoid them at all cost.
I will disregard my own advice of course, and you probably should also.
Ok well it's 6am and I'm completely out of anything random or funny to say.
I have to go hiking in a couple hours. I let someone talk me into it somehow.
Actually I can't even remember the conversation, I have no fucking clue how anyone could convince me to go on a hike.
I will have to ask them when they get here how it happened, and why we are going so early.
I can't even go to sleep it's so early.
Now I am going to feel like a zombie pretty much tomorrow.
Not a like a zombie from I am legend. Why did they use zombies like that?
Is it just me or did that kill the movie?
Actually I enjoyed it until the women found him, gosh you fucking women just ruin everything.
Stay out of my zombie movies plx.
Alright I have like 1 minutes left to finish this journal before times up.
I have to fill up more space, but I have no idea what to say, oh my god I'm just typing in hopes that this leads to thought but I'm pretty sure that is not going to happen.......
I refuse to read what I just wrote, sorry for errors and incoherence. Let me know if it turned out alright.
:devcrazy-nara: Was awesome enough to draw one of my photos.
MY STAMP WOOT! DO YOU LOVE ME ENOUGH TO BRAND ME ON YOUR PAGE!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??#?#@$?#@$?@#$?@!##$@